The layouts contained in the first section have been around for many years. They were originally included in manuals packed with train sets. Layouts range from very basic to complex, and offer you a wide variety from which to choose. Most have been around since the 1930s. We gathered them from old manuals and instruction booklets. (The copyrights on these layouts expired and were not renewed, placing them in the public domain. You may copy them as you wish.)
More Basic Layouts for O / O27
Even MORE Basic Layouts for O / O27
Complex Classic Layouts for O / O27
Layouts with Special Wiring for O / O27
Thses layouts are new, and offer some variations that take advantage of new improvements in O gauge
Classic Layouts Improved and Updated for O27
O and O27 Portside Railway Layouts
NEW - Doorway Layouts - small layouts with tons of fun for O Gauge, O27, Atlas O, MTH O and HO track.
SPECIAL Building a Layout on a Budget (with over 60 layouts in 20 layout systems)
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