Copyright 2002 T. Sheil & A. Sheil  All Rights Reserved

All Gauge Model Railroading Page

O27 and O layouts, from 4' by 6' to 10' by 16'

The big and small of it.

These are a variety of my layout plans.  They run from small to large, and will give you a few ideas from which to plan your own O27 or O pike

This is an improved version of a popular O27 Marx layout.

It fits on a 4' by 6' area.

This O27 pike fits a 4' by 7' area and allows lots of switching

This simple 4' by 7'  is great for interesting scenery - here's one example

A 4' by 8' layout with a  2' by 4' extension on the upper right, for O27 wit ha few O curves (black).  3 loops for continuous running here!

This 4' by 7' display layout was well-received at Ocean Grove in `01

Small 4' by 5' is great for trolleys, handcars and motorized units.

This was going to be a subway that ran one lower level below the main.  O27 with some curves (in black).  A nice basic track plan to which you can add sidings, loops, etc.  16' by 10'

16' by 8' O gauge layout with room for more sidings, etc.

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