Copyright 2004 T. Sheil & A. Sheil All Rights Reserved
The 40 - by 42 inch series of Micro Layouts was inspired by a request. Having done the 3' by 5' layouts, we were asked to try making one to fit someone's closet shelf. The challenge was made facetiously, but we saw it as a chance to try something new. The goal was to make interesting layouts in a very small space, with a variety of possible rail operations.
Atlas O track has gained a following . The track system has its own unique and orderly track geometry. We have used the smaller 27" and 36" diameter curves to make these small masterpieces. Note that the only problem might be the Atlas switch machines. These can be moved or replaced by other switch machines that rest under the layout. Either way, all of the track fits tightly on the 40 by 42 inch surface.
Concessions must be made for the small space and track. With 27 inch curves, your best choice would be smaller trains, especially the smaller type of O27 trains. You can also get good use out of short cars, such as ore cars, and short industrial locomotives like the Ready Made "Beep", MTH Docksider and K-Line Porter. Short trains with three or less cars are about all you can use. Motorized units such as trolleys are perfect for these Micro pikes. You may have to trim or adapt scenery to make it fit nicely.
Here is a basic loop with inner and outer spur. We have fitted it with uncoupling tracks. You can run a small industrial freight shunting or trolley / commuter operation. Our example is an urban area. (6) Atlas 6043 O27 45° curve (5) Atlas 6066 O36 30° curve (1) Atlas (6075) lefthand O-36 turnout (4) Atlas 6051 4.50 inch straight (1) Atlas 6050 10.0 inch straight (2) Atlas 6040 snap-on bumper (1) Atlas (6076) righthand O-36 turnout (1) Atlas 6044 O27 22.5° curve (4) Atlas 6059 uncoupling track (1) Atlas 6052 1.75 inch straight |
(1) Plasticville 1200 station platform (1) Plasticville 1625 railroad work car (2) Plasticville 1620 loading platform (1) MTH 30-9035 Jewelry store (1) MTH 30-90035 Forbes Tower (1) MTH 30-90022 Jenny Lee Bakery (1) MTH 30-90020 Katz's Deli (1) MTH 30-9012 Corner Drug store (6) MTH 30-1062 O-scale hexagonal lamp (1) MTH 30-1089-1 traffic signal |
This point-to-point railway is great for bumper-to-bumper motorized units, small shuttles or industrial freight shunting. Our example scenery applies to all of them. (5) Atlas 6050 10.0 inch straight (5) Atlas 6066 O36 30° curve (5) Atlas 6043 O27 45° curve (3) Atlas (6076) righthand O-36 turnout (5) Atlas 6052 1.75 inch straight (2) Atlas 6051 4.50 inch straight (5) Atlas 6040 snap-on bumper (1) Atlas 6015 1.25 in straight (1) Atlas 6059 uncoupling track |
(2) Plasticville 1620 loading platform (1) Plasticville 1200 station platform (1) Plasticville 1907 apartment house (1) Plasticville #1502 Cape Cod house (1) Plasticville 1629 bungalow house (6) MTH 30-1078 O-scale round lamp (1) MTH 30-11012 operating crossing gate w/signal (2) Buildings Unlimited B503 trackside shed (1) Buildings Unlimited B501 flag stop |
Here is a loop with a passing siding and spurs. In making concessions for space, the lower left spur is too close to the main loop. You cannot leave a car parked there while running the lower left corner of the loop. However, a motorized unit could wait there while another unit traverses the left passing siding. We must break the rules of good track work when making Micro layouts. Our scenery is for an urban commuter / trolley pike, but you can also run freight shunting operations. (2) Atlas (6076) righthand O-36 turnout (10) Atlas 6043 O27 45° curve (2) Atlas (6075) lefthand O-36 turnout (4) Atlas 6066 O36 30° curve (1) Atlas 6015 1.25 in straight (2) Atlas 6040 snap-on bumper (2) Atlas 6051 4.50 inch straight (2) Atlas 6052 1.75 inch straight (1) Atlas 6050 10.0 inch straight |
(1) Lionel® 12966 rotary beacon (2) Plasticville 1200 station platform (1) MTH 30-9012 Corner Drug store (1) MTH 30-90092 Bicycle Shop(ocnr) (1) MTH 30-90070 Camera Shop(crnr) (1) MTH 30-90061 Coffee Shop(ocnr) (6) MTH 30-1079 O-scale square lamp (1) Buildings Unlimited B501 flag stop |
A simple loop with sidings. The left half of the loop uses 36" curves, the right is 27" curves with straights in the middle. (6) Atlas 6043 O27 45° curve (1) Atlas (6075) lefthand O-36 turnout (5) Atlas 6066 O36 30° curve (3) Atlas 6051 4.50 inch straight (2) Atlas 6050 10.0 inch straight (2) Atlas 6040 snap-on bumper (2) Atlas 6052 1.75 inch straight (1) Atlas 6085 O45 lefthand turnout |
(3) MTH 30-11012 operating crossing gate w/signal (1) MTH 30-11014 hiway crossing signal w/sound (5) MTH 30-1078 O-scale round lamp (1) Atlas O #6901 suburban passenger station (1) LaserKit 477 Sonny's shack (1) LaserKit 475 Dill's Market (1) LaserKit 486 two story house (1) Atlas O #6903B trackside shanty |
This pike allows greater use of operating accessories. You have two sidings in the loop, plus a bisecting bumper-to-bumper track for small motorized units. Accessories can eb of any type you can fit. (11) Atlas 6043 O27 45° curve (4) Atlas 6050 10.0 inch straight (2) Atlas (6076) righthand O-36 turnout (4) Atlas 6040 snap-on bumper 1 (1) Atlas 6080 90° cross (4) Atlas 6052 1.75 inch straight (1) Atlas 6053 5.5 inch straight (2) Atlas 6015 1.25 in straight
(1) Lionel® 49807 #752 seaboard coaler (1) Lionel® 12731 station platform (1) Lionel® 12966 rotary beacon (1) Lionel® 32996 #362 barrel loader (1) Lionel® 14149 banjo signal (1) Buildings Unlimited B503 trackside shed |
We took one of the previous layouts and added one siding, while shortening the other two spurs. Our scenery implies four stops along the main loop. This pike is good for freight or commuter/ / trolley running. (6) Atlas 6043 O27 45° curve (1) Atlas (6075) lefthand O-36 turnout (4) Atlas 6066 O36 30° curve (3) Atlas 6051 4.50 inch straight (3) Atlas 6050 10.0 inch straight (3) Atlas 6040 snap-on bumper (1) Atlas 6085 O45 lefthand turnout (1) Atlas (6076) righthand O-36 turnout |
(1) Plasticville #1612 5 & 10 store (1) Plasticville 1901 Union Station w/o platforms (2) Plasticville 1901 Union Station platform (1) Plasticville 1907 apartment house (1) Plasticville 1608 school house (1) Plasticville #1500 diner (1) Plasticville 1615 water tank (1) Plasticville 1625 railroad work car (6) MTH 30-1062 O-scale hexagonal lamp (1) MTH 30-1078 O-scale round lamp (1) MTH 30-11012 operating crossing gate w/signal |
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