Copyright 2004 T. Sheil & A. Sheil All Rights Reserved
The 40 - by 42 inch series of Micro Layouts was inspired by a request. Having done the 3' by 5' layouts, we were asked to try making one to fit someone's closet shelf. The challenge was made facetiously, but we saw it as a chance to try something new. The goal was to make interesting layouts in a very small space, with a variety of possible rail operations. Here are the O27 pikes
Note that we are compressing our layouts in a very small space. Everything is tight. For layouts such as these, you would have to use very small trains and motorized units. For best results, the smaller of the O27 types is recommended.
We have shown uncoupling tracks, but their use is optional. They are displayed so those doing their own unique scenery have some idea of each layout's full potential.
We got creative here. This layout can easily host operating accessories. It could also be given scenery for a trolley system. (12) Lionel® O27 O-27 curve 45° (3) Lionel® O27 single straight (3) Lionel® O27 O-27 lefthand turnout (1) Lionel® O27 O-27 righthand turnout (2) Lionel® O27 track bumper (3) Lionel® O27 operating uncoupling track (3) Lionel® O27 half straight |
(1) Lionel® 14157 #397 coal loader (1) Lionel® 9220 milk car platform (2) Lionel® 2152 crossing gate (1) Lionel® 12966 rotary beacon 3 (1) Plasticville 1620 loading platform (1) Plasticville 1200 station platform
This little pike is for running trains. If you insulated off the inner loop, you could run two independent trains! Our example is using an urban setting, as in a trolley or commuter railway. (14) Lionel® O27 O-27 curve 45° (1) Lionel® O27 single straight (2) Lionel® O27 O-27 lefthand turnout (2) Lionel® O27 O-27 righthand turnout (4) Lionel® O27 half straight (1) Lionel® O27 operating uncoupling track |
(6) Lionel 24156 Lionelville street lamp (2) Lionel® 22947 automatic crossing gate (1) Plasticville 1200 station platform (1) Plasticville #1500 diner (1) Plasticville 1618 TV transmitter station (1) Bldgs Unlimited 876 1st National Bank (1) Bldgs Unlimited 877 Ameritown S&L (1) Bldgs Unlimited 875 Lou's Cafe (1) Bldgs Unlimited 874 Granatos Grocery (1) Bldgs Unlimited 873 Burke Bldg (1) Bdlgs Unlimited 872 Bill's Place |
If insulated off, the innermost circle could run a motorized unit such as a trolley. Meanwhile, a train could run on the outer loop. This pike can be freight, commuter, or both. Black rectangles show where trays could be placed, so you could use operating dump cars. (14) Lionel® O27 O-27 curve 45° (3) Lionel® O27 O-27 lefthand turnout (2) Lionel® O27 O-27 righthand turnout (3) Lionel® O27 half straight (2) Lionel® O27 operating uncoupling track (1) Lionel® O27 track bumper |
(1) Plasticville 1401 Frosty Bar (1) MTH 30-90023 Soda Fountain crnr (1) MTH 30-90069 Bagel Shop(crnr) (1) MTH 30-9085 Train store (1) MTH 30-90092 Bicycle Shop(ocnr) (4) MTH 30-1079 O-scale square lamp (1) MTH 30-11014 hiway crossing signal w/sound (1) MTH 30-11012 operating crossing gate w/signal
Here is another micro-pike that works well with operating accessories. (12) Lionel® O27 O-27 curve 45° (3) Lionel® O27 O-27 lefthand turnout (4) Lionel® O27 half straight (3) Lionel® O27 operating uncoupling track (1) Lionel® O27 O-27 righthand turnout (2) Lionel® O27 track bumper |
(1) Lionel® 9220 milk car platform (1) Lionel® 14157 #397 coal loader 1 1 (1) Lionel® 12886 flood light tower (1) Lionel® 49806 #796 sawmill (2) Lionel® 2152 crossing gate (1) Plasticville 1402 switch tower (1) Plasticville 1620 loading platform |
This interesting railway could be a freight line, commuter line or both. It has intriguing operational possibilities. An advanced model railroader could easily make this a two-train operation. (11) Lionel® O27 O-27 curve 45° (3) Lionel® O27 O-27 lefthand turnout (4) Lionel® O27 half straight (3) Lionel® O27 O-27 righthand turnout (2) Lionel® O27 track bumper (2) Lionel® O27 operating uncoupling track (1) Lionel® O27 O-27 half curve 22.5° |
(1) Plasticville 1615 water tank (1) Plasticville #1500 diner (2) MTH 30-9078 townhouse 1 (1) MTH 30-9079 townhouse 2 (1) MTH 30-9080 townhouse 3 (1) MTH 30-9006 passenger station platform (3) MTH 30-1078 O-scale round lamp (1) MTH 30-9033 #494 rotary beacon (1) Buildings Unlimited B503 trackside shed |
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