Copyright 2005 T. Sheil & A. Sheil All Rights Reserved
Atlas O track has a "scale" appearance. It has a unique track geometry of its own, with the curve diameters increasing in 9" increments. Atlas makes a 27" diameter curve, but its smallest switch / turnout has 36 inch diameter curve. This makes layout design difficult if one wishes to include switches in a tight space. It is necessary to fit Atlas O's smaller segments of straight and curves sections. Nonetheless, Atlas O track is capable of making very small layouts. It is adaptable to the 3' by 4' area.
Of course, trackwork and scenery are tightly compressed, and so there is a degree of adjusting to make them all fit the small area. There are many concessions to be made for the small space. The result is an attractive, working layout of diminutive dimensions.
The choice of trains has to be toward smaller types, be they the smaller O27 trains or models of smaller locomotives and rolling stock.
Keep in mind that we show uncoupler segments for those who want them. You may replace track as you wish. Likewise for scenery: substitute, adapt and change it all you want,. Our scenery is just one example of the myriad variants that you can use.
Simple loop with two sidings. Our scenery implies a commuter / trolley or small freight shunting pike. It can operate as a loop or as a point-to-point railway. (8) Atlas 6043 O27 45° curve (1) Atlas (6075) lefthand O-36 turnout (2) Atlas 6050 10.0 inch straight (2) Atlas 6040 snap-on bumper (3) Atlas 6051 4.50 inch straight (1) Atlas (6076) righthand O-36 turnout (7) Atlas 6052 1.75 inch straight (4) Atlas 6068 O36 7.5° curve |
(4) MTH 30-1062 O-scale hexagonal lamp (2) MTH 30-11012 operating crossing gate w/signal (1) Dtn Deco DD11 barber shop (1) Dtn Deco DD4 bus depot (1) Dtn Deco DD32 Cityview apts (1) Dtn Deco DD22 Ace Auto (1) Dtn Deco DD7 labor temple (1) Atlas O #6902 station platform (1) Buildings Unlimited B503 trackside shed (1) LaserKit 477 Sonny's shack |
This is a point-to-point railway with sidings. It would make a good short-line logging, industrial or mining railway (12) Atlas 6043 O27 45° curve (1) Atlas (6075) lefthand O-36 turnout (4) Atlas 6050 10.0 inch straight (4) Atlas 6040 snap-on bumper (9) Atlas 6052 1.75 inch straight (2) Atlas 6068 O36 7.5° curve (1) Atlas (6076) righthand O-36 turnout (2) Atlas 6053 5.5 inch straight (1) Atlas 6051 4.50 inch straight |
(2) Plasticville 1620 loading platform (1) Plasticville #1303 log cabin (1) Plasticville 1615 water tank (1) Plasticville 1627 hobo shack (1) Plasticville 1627 hobo shack |
This is the same layout as above, but with different scenery. There will be tunnels through the mountain. The track plan could also be adapted to a trolley or commuter line by using urban or suburban scenery. (12) Atlas 6043 O27 45° curve (1) Atlas (6075) lefthand O-36 turnout (4) Atlas 6050 10.0 inch straight (4) Atlas 6040 snap-on bumper (9) Atlas 6052 1.75 inch straight (2) Atlas 6068 O36 7.5° curve (1) Atlas (6076) righthand O-36 turnout (2) Atlas 6053 5.5 inch straight (1) Atlas 6051 4.50 inch straight |
(1) Plasticville 1200 station platform (1) Plasticville 1620 loading platform (1) Plasticville 1402 switch tower (1) Plasticville 1615 water tank (2) Buildings Unlimited B503 trackside shed |
A loop with a crossover and siding. In our example, the crossover would be hidden inside the mountain. This is a pleasant rustic scene for a logging or mining pike. However, the same track plan can be a fine little trolley pike. (11) Atlas 6043 O27 45° curve (1) Atlas (6075) lefthand O-36 turnout (4) Atlas 6068 O36 7.5° curve (5) Atlas 6052 1.75 inch straight (1) Atlas 6050 10.0 inch straight (1) Atlas 6040 snap-on bumper (1) Atlas 6084 30° cross (3) Atlas 6044 O27 22.5° curve (1) Atlas 6051 4.50 inch straight (2) Atlas 6015 1.25 in straight |
(1) Plasticville 1615 water tank (1) Plasticville #1303 log cabin (1) Plasticville 1627 hobo shack (1) Plasticville 1627 hobo shack (1) Atlas O #6902 station platform (1) LaserKit 482 miner's cabin |
A confusing point-to-point system! There is a short single line bisecting the complex railway with intersecting lines. It would make an interesting trolley pike, or it could be a freight shuttle. Such a railway could even be an industrial or mining pike within an industrial area, serving various facilities. This layout has potential for expansion. (1) Atlas 6053 5.5 inch straight (4) Atlas 6052 1.75 inch straight (5) Atlas 6051 4.50 inch straight (6) Atlas 6050 10.0 inch straight (1) Atlas (6075) lefthand O-36 turnout (1) Atlas (6076) righthand O-36 turnout (1) Atlas 6083 60° cross (2) Atlas 6043 O27 45° curve (6) Atlas 6040 snap-on bumper (3) Atlas 6044 O27 22.5° curve (1) Atlas 6080 90° cross (2) Atlas 6068 O36 7.5° curve |
(2) Lionel® 62716 short extension bridge (2) Plasticville 1200 station platform (1) Plasticville 1906 factory (1) Plasticville 1901 Union Station w/o platforms (4) Plasticville 1901 Union Station platform (2) Plasticville 1620 loading platform |
A variant of the previous railway is this point-to-point system. It can be a trolley system, logging pike, dockside railway or industrial system. Our example implies a trolley pike. (1) Atlas (6075) lefthand O-36 turnout (2) Atlas (6076) righthand O-36 turnout (4) Atlas 6043 O27 45° curve (1) Atlas 6051 4.50 inch straight (5) Atlas 6040 snap-on bumper (5) Atlas 6050 10.0 inch straight (3) Atlas 6044 O27 22.5° curve (3) Atlas 6068 O36 7.5° curve (3) Atlas 6052 1.75 inch straight (1) Atlas 6082 45° cross (4) Atlas 6015 1.25 in straight (2) Atlas 6053 5.5 inch straight |
(7) Lionel 24156 Lionelville street lamp (1) Plasticville #1805 covered bridge (1) Plasticville 1200 station platform (1) Plasticville 1401 Frosty Bar (1) Plasticville #1500 diner (1) Plasticville 1629 bungalow house (2) Buildings Unlimited B501 flag stop (3) LaserKit 483 passenger shelter (1) Bdlgs Unlimited 872 Bill's Place (1) Bldgs Unlimited 874 Granatos Grocery (1) Bldgs Unlimited 876 1st National Bank (1) Bldgs Unlimited 873 Burke Bldg
Loop with siding and bisecting point-to-point railway. This would be a good display railway. Scenery implies a residential area between city and suburbs. (2) Atlas 6050 10.0 inch straight (10) Atlas 6043 O27 45° curve (3) Atlas 6040 snap-on bumper (4) Atlas 6015 1.25 in straight (2) Atlas 6051 4.50 inch straight (1) Atlas 6059 uncoupling track (5) Atlas 6044 O27 22.5° curve (1) Atlas 6085 O45 lefthand turnout (2) Atlas 6053 5.5 inch straight (1) Atlas 6081 22.5° cross (5) Atlas 6052 1.75 inch straight |
(6) Lionel 24156 Lionelville street lamp (1) Plasticville 1200 station platform (2) Plasticville 1620 loading platform (1) Plasticville 1615 water tank (1) Plasticville 1701 New England ranch home (1) Plasticville #1502 Cape Cod house (1) Plasticville 1907 apartment house (2) Plasticville 1901 Union Station platform (1) Plasticville 1402 switch tower (1) Plasticville #1500 diner (1) Plasticville #1603 Ranch house (1) Plasticville 1625 railroad work car (2) MTH 30-11012 operating crossing gate w/signal (1) MTH 30-11014 hiway crossing signal w/sound |
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