Copyright 2004 T. Sheil & A. Sheil All Rights Reserved
Operating track is shown for those who might want to use operating cars and accessories, You can substitute a standard straight track for an operating track if you prefer.
Extended loop with passing siding and two spurs! We have made our example a "tank farm." (8) Lionel® O27 O-27 curve 45° (3) Lionel® O27 O-27 lefthand turnout (3) Lionel® O27 O-27 righthand turnout (3) Lionel® O27 half straight (2) Lionel® O27 track bumper (4) Lionel® O27 operating uncoupling track |
(1) Lionel® 32988 #192 railroad control tower (1) Lionel® 12886 flood light tower (3) Lionel® 12953 tall Linex oil tank (1) Walthers 3304 Phoenix Oil bldg (1) Walthers 3304 Phoenix Oil tanks (1) Walthers 3304 Phoenix Oil shed (2) Buildings Unlimited B503 trackside shed (1) Berkshire Valley #851 freight house (1) Walthers 3309 interlocking tower |
Siding in a different place. This sample is a mountain scene, perhaps a logging pike. (You might have to cut a section of track for a better fit.) (4) Lionel® O27 single straight (6) Lionel® O27 O-27 curve 45° (2) Lionel® O27 O-27 lefthand turnout (2) Lionel® O27 O-27 half curve 22.5° (4) Lionel® O27 track bumper (2) Lionel® O27 O-27 righthand turnout (1) Unknown track section (3) Lionel® O27 half straight |
(1) Plasticville 1620 loading platform (1) Plasticville 1200 station platform (5) MTH 30-1078 O-scale round lamp (1) Buildings Unlimited B503 trackside shed (1) Dtn Deco DD28 auto parts (1) Dtn Deco DD20 Mahwah Noodles (1) Dtn Deco DD11 barber shop (1) Dtn Deco DD21 Valdez Grocery (1) Buildings Unlimited B501 flag stop |
There is a lot to do here, with all these sidings and room for operating accessories. (11) Lionel® O27 O-27 curve 45° (2) Lionel® O27 O-27 righthand turnout (4) Lionel® O27 track bumper (2) Lionel® O27 O-27 lefthand turnout (1) Lionel® O27 single straight (8) Lionel® O27 half straight (5) Lionel® O27 operating uncoupling track |
(1) Lionel® 9220 milk car platform (1) Lionel® 14157 #397 coal loader (1) Lionel® 12917 operating switch tower (1) Lionel® 2152 crossing gate (1) Lionel® 12966 rotary beacon (1) Lionel® 14091 #45 gateman |
Another railway with room for operating accessories. (9) Lionel® O27 O-27 curve 45° (3) Lionel® O27 O-27 righthand turnout (3) Lionel® O27 track bumper (4) Lionel® O27 half straight (1) Lionel® O27 O-27 half curve 22.5° (5) Lionel® O27 operating uncoupling track |
(1) Lionel® 14157 #397 coal loader (1) Lionel® 9220 milk car platform (1) Lionel 49810 #787 log loader (1) Lionel® 49806 #796 sawmill (1) Lionel® 12917 operating switch tower (1) Lionel® 2152 crossing gate (1) Lionel® 14084 #419 heliport (1) Lionel® 12966 rotary beacon (1) Lionel® 12944 Sunoco oil derrick |
A simple extended loop with one siding. The oval is made wider by cutting 4" straights. (8) Lionel® O27 O-27 curve 45° (1) Lionel® O27 track bumper (3) Lionel® O27 single straight (2) Lionel® O27 O-27 righthand turnout (2) Lionel® O27 half straight (1) Lionel® O27 O-27 lefthand turnout (2) Unknown track section (2) Lionel® O27 cut straight |
(3) Lionel® 12708 street lamp (2) Plasticville 1620 loading platform (2) Plasticville 1200 station platform (1) Plasticville 1618 TV transmitter station (1) Plasticville #1500 diner (1) Plasticville 1905 Town hall / Independence hall (1) Plasticville 1608 school house (1) Plasticville #1607 fire station (1) Plasticville 1504 mobile home |
This little "X" shaped layout is a point-to-point system that is fun to use with bumper-activated motorized units. Our example is able to handle short trolleys and other motorized units. This would be a good pike to extend or append to an existing layout. (1) Lionel® O27 90° cross (4) Lionel® O27 single straight (4) Lionel® O27 track bumper (2) Lionel® O27 O-27 lefthand turnout (2) Lionel® O27 O-27 righthand turnout (1) Lionel® O27 half straight (4) Lionel® O27 cut straight (2) Lionel® O27 O-27 curve 45° (1) Lionel® O27 O-27 half curve 22.5° |
(2) Plasticville 1901 Union Station platform (2) Plasticville 1620 loading platform (1) Plasticville #1801 bank (1) Plasticville #1500 diner (1) Plasticville SM-6 small super market (1) Plasticville #1626 corner store (1) Plasticville #1611 hardware store (1) Plasticville #1612 5 & 10 store (1) Plasticville 1401 Frosty Bar (9) MTH 30-1062 O-scale hexagonal lamp (1) Buildings Unlimited B503 trackside shed |
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