Copyright 2004 T. Sheil & A. Sheil All Rights Reserved
The smaller layouts serve two purposes. They are a way to enjoy O and O27 trains in limited space, and they are good examples of tricks that can be done with track and scenery. Our 3' by 4' layouts are great by themselves, or ad displays, additions to existing layouts, or starting points for building a larger model railway.
When working within space restrictions, concessions must be made. We need to bend the rules of good trackwork, and to compress our scenery. Also, it is necessary to use shorter cars, locomotives and motorized units. The best choices are industrial and dockside locomotives, ore cars, bobber cabooses and similar small rolling stock. Short motorized units are also in order here. Our micro-pikes are well-served with smaller type trains like Marx and Lionel Postwar O27.
If building such a small pike, you might have to "fudge and budge" to make everything fit.
Operating track is shown for those who might want to use operating cars and accessories, You can substitute a standard straight track for an operating track if you prefer.
This simple plan can accommodate operating trackside accessories. Our example has scenery for a suburban roadside. (1) Lionel® O27 single straight (11) Lionel® O27 O-27 curve 45° (4) Lionel® O27 half straight (1) Lionel® O27 O-27 righthand turnout (2) Lionel® O27 O-27 lefthand turnout (1) Lionel® O27 track bumper (1) Lionel® O27 operating uncoupling track |
(1) Lionel® 9220 milk car platform (1) Lionel® 6-2162 crossing gate w/signal (1) Lionel® 2152 crossing gate (1) Lionel® 2154 automatic hiway flasher (1) Lionel® 12966 rotary beacon (3) Lionel® 12708 street lamp (1) Plasticville GO-2 small gas station (1) Plasticville #1500 diner (1) Plasticville 1620 loading platform (1) Plasticville #1502 Cape Cod house (2) Plasticville 1901 Union Station platform (1) Plasticville 1200 station platform |
This extended loop can host many types of rail operations. Our town center and suburban scenery is evocative of a commuter / trolley system. (12) Lionel® O27 O-27 curve 45° (4) Lionel® O27 half straight (2) Lionel® O27 O-27 righthand turnout (2) Lionel® O27 O-27 lefthand turnout |
(2) Lionel® 6-2162 crossing gate w/signal (6) Lionel 24156 Lionelville street lamp (2) Plasticville 1200 station platform (1) Plasticville #1611 hardware store (1) Plasticville #1612 5 & 10 store (1) Plasticville #1500 diner (1) Plasticville #1602 post office (1) Plasticville 1701 New England ranch home (1) Plasticville #1502 Cape Cod house (1) Plasticville 1629 bungalow house |
This little railway can host a freight shunting or trolley / commuter system. Scenery is a town and its outskirts. (14) Lionel® O27 O-27 curve 45° (3) Lionel® O27 half straight (2) Lionel® O27 O-27 righthand turnout (2) Lionel® O27 O-27 lefthand turnout (2) Lionel® O27 track bumper (2) Lionel® O27 operating uncoupling track |
(2) Plasticville 1200 station platform (1) Plasticville 1701 New England ranch home (1) Plasticville #1603 Ranch house (1) MTH 30-11012 operating crossing gate w/signal (2) MTH 30-11014 hiway crossing signal w/sound (6) MTH 30-1078 O-scale round lamp (1) Bdlgs Unlimited 872 Bill's Place (2) Bldgs Unlimited 874 Granatos Grocery (1) Bldgs Unlimited 877 Ameritown S&L |
Extended loop with a long spur, which can help with operating accessories. (12) Lionel® O27 O-27 curve 45° (3) Lionel® O27 O-27 righthand turnout (2) Lionel® O27 O-27 lefthand turnout (1) Lionel® O27 single straight (1) Lionel® O27 track bumper (2) Lionel® O27 operating uncoupling track |
(1) Lionel® 9220 milk car platform (1) Lionel® 12966 rotary beacon (1) Lionel® 14091 #45 gateman (2) Lionel® 2152 crossing gate (1) Plasticville #1500 diner (1) Plasticville 1402 switch tower (4) MTH 30-1078 O-scale round lamp (1) Bdlgs Unlimited 872 Bill's Place (2) Bldgs Unlimited 874 Granatos Grocery (1) Bldgs Unlimited 877 Ameritown S&L |
Loop inside loop with one siding. Our example shows how easy it is to add operating trackside accessories to this track plan. (10) Lionel® O27 O-27 curve 45° (1) Lionel® O27 O-27 lefthand turnout (2) Lionel® O27 O-27 righthand turnout (1) Lionel® O27 single straight (2) Lionel® O27 half straight (1) Lionel® O27 track bumper (2) Lionel® O27 operating uncoupling track |
(1) Lionel® 14157 #397 coal loader (1) Lionel® 9220 milk car platform (1) Lionel® 12768 burning switch tower (1) Lionel® 14086 #38 water tower (1) Lionel® 12713 gate man and shed (1) Plasticville #1622 dairy barn w/silo (2) Plasticville #1617 corn crib (1) Plasticville #1617 chicken coop (1) Plasticville #1617 dog house (1) Plasticville #1408 windmill |
An additional siding is possible. Great for freight shunting, trolley or industrail rail systems. (10) Lionel® O27 O-27 curve 45° (1) Lionel® O27 O-27 lefthand turnout (3) Lionel® O27 O-27 righthand turnout (3) Lionel® O27 half straight (2) Lionel® O27 track bumper (4) Lionel® O27 operating uncoupling track
(1) Lionel® 9220 milk car platform (1) Lionel® 14157 #397 coal loader (1) Lionel® 12917 operating switch tower (1) Plasticville #1622 dairy barn w/silo (1) Plasticville #1617 storage shed (2) Plasticville #1617 corn crib (1) Plasticville #1617 chicken coop (1) Plasticville #1617 dog house (1) Plasticville #1408 windmill (1) Plasticville 1620 loading platform (1) Plasticville 1200 station platform |
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