Copyright 2004 T. Sheil & A. Sheil All Rights Reserved
For the O Gauge, 3' by 3' is the smallest space for a layout that is more than a circle of track. Of the O track systems, O27 is best for making the most out of such a small space. Concessions still have to be made in order to fit a working layout in a layout that is a mere three feet square. You might have to cut track in a few cases, and at very least will have to "fudge and budge" to make it fit. Your choice of trains will also have to make concessions. Best results are with the smaller car and loco types usually marketed as "O27." in many cases, a train will have to be limited to a motorized unit or a train of two or, at most, three units.
Reasonably, anyone with space for a 3' by 3' can usually find extra room for 3' by 4' or 3' by 5'. The 3' by 3' is a challenge and an exercise in truncating layouts. These might find use as small displays, additions to existing layouts, or a "core element" to extend into a larger track plan. Through such exercises can one experience a better understanding of track work.
Be advised that in making our concessions to the small space, we have to occasionally depart from the rules of good track work. Taking liberties with the principles of track work is the only way we can make our unique and diminutive railways.
Editor's Note: you have to think small when picking trains for these tiny layouts. Those marked as O27 can be your best choice. Look for smaller car and locomotive types, such as original Marx 0-4-0 and 2-4-2 steamers and diesels, Lionel starter set 2-4-2 and 4-4-2 locomotives and the MTH Docksider. Cars that do well are Marx recasts by K-line, Lionel Postwar-era O27 cars, Marx cars (6", 7", 'scale", plastic and Deluxe) and those by Industrial Rail. Also good are ore cars by Lionel, MTH and K-line. Try to keep trains small, with a locomotive and one car being best, but two cars being acceptable.
This is a point-to-point railway that bisects itself. Our scenery example is of a trolley pike. You need to use short bumper-to-bumper motorized units on this railway! (1) Lionel® O27 90° cross (6) Lionel® O27 single straight (4) Lionel® O27 track bumper (1) Lionel® O27 O-27 lefthand turnout (1) Lionel® O27 O-27 righthand turnout (2) Lionel® O27 half straight (2) Lionel® O27 cut straight |
(2) Lionel® 62716 short extension bridge (2) Plasticville 1901 Union Station platform (2) Plasticville 1620 loading platform (1) Plasticville #1805 covered bridge |
The basic oval in simple, and its open space provides adequate room for a few operating accessories. We also found room for a dairy farm scene.
(8) Lionel® O27 O-27 curve 45° (2) Lionel® O27 operating uncoupling track
(1) Lionel® 9220 milk car platform (1) Lionel® 14157 #397 coal loader (1) Lionel® 12966 rotary beacon (1) Lionel® 6-2162 crossing gate w/signal (1) Lionel® 2152 crossing gate (1) Lionel® 2140 banjo signal (1) Lionel® 12917 operating switch tower (1) Plasticville #1622 dairy barn w/silo (1) Plasticville #1617 corn crib (1) Plasticville #1408 windmill (1) Plasticville 1200 station platform (1) Plasticville #1617 chicken coop (1) Plasticville #1617 dog house (1) Buildings Unlimited B501 flag stop |
An extended loop with one external siding. We gave our example an urban treatment. (9) Lionel® O27 O-27 curve 45° (2) Lionel® O27 O-27 lefthand turnout (1) Lionel® O27 O-27 righthand turnout (1) Lionel® O27 half straight (1) Lionel® O27 single straight (1) Lionel® O27 track bumper |
(4) Lionel 24156 Lionelville street lamp (2) Lionel® 2152 crossing gate (1) Bdlgs Unlimited 872 Bill's Place (1) Bldgs Unlimited 873 Burke Bldg (1) Bldgs Unlimited 874 Granatos Grocery (1) Bldgs Unlimited 877 Ameritown S&L (1) Buildings Unlimited B503 trackside shed (2) Buildings Unlimited B501 flag stop
Extended loop with two sidings. Our example is the edge of town. Note how small accessories can fit with ease.. (2) Lionel® O27 single straight (7) Lionel® O27 O-27 curve 45° (2) Lionel® O27 O-27 righthand turnout (2) Lionel® O27 O-27 lefthand turnout (2) Lionel® O27 track bumper (3) Lionel® O27 O-27 half curve 22.5° (1) Lionel® O27 half straight |
(1) Lionel® 49809 #772 water tower (4) Lionel 24156 Lionelville street lamp (1) Lionel® 2152 crossing gate (1) Lionel® 2154 automatic hiway flasher (2) Plasticville 1200 station platform (2) Plasticville 1907 apartment house (1) Plasticville #1500 diner |
Extended loop with long curving spur track. Our scenery implies the suburbs. (2) Lionel® O27 single straight (10) Lionel® O27 O-27 curve 45° (1) Lionel® O27 O-27 righthand turnout (2) Lionel® O27 O-27 lefthand turnout (2) Lionel® O27 O-27 half curve 22.5° (1) Lionel® O27 track bumper |
(1) Plasticville 1200 station platform (1) Plasticville 1629 bungalow house (1) Plasticville #1502 Cape Cod house (1) Plasticville 1701 New England ranch home (1) Plasticville #1603 Ranch house (1) Plasticville 1402 switch tower |
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