Copyright 2004 T. Sheil & A. Sheil All Rights Reserved
Atlas O is one of two O gauge track systems which can make a decent layout in the 3' by 3' area. The other is classic O27. Atlas O's advantage includes having 27" diameter curves in full land half lengths. Another is that its straight track is available in several smaller segments. The disadvantage is Atlas O's smallest switch / turnout having a 36" curve. This makes Atlas slightly less versatile than classic tubular O27, Nonetheless, here are six miniature layouts for Atlas O.
As in all layouts this small, you have to make concessions to the limited space. A perfect fir is not always available, and you might even have to trim track in some cases. The vehicles for these layouts must be small. Short cars, locomotives and motorized units are necessary to handle the truncated routs of a 3' by 3' railway. This is a place where ore cars and industrial type locomotives come into their own.
Small layouts are a challenge. They help illustrate creative use of track, accessories and scenery. These little gems can also be used as portable displays, extensions to existing layouts, or starting points upon which to build a larger model railway.
A simple loop with siding. This example uses urban scenery. (6) Atlas 6043 O27 45° curve (1) Atlas (6076) righthand O-36 turnout (4) Atlas 6068 O36 7.5° curve (1) Atlas 6050 10.0 inch straight (1) Atlas 6040 snap-on bumper (4) Atlas 6052 1.75 inch straight (1) Atlas 6066 O36 30° curve |
(1) Plasticville 1620 loading platform (1) Plasticville 1200 station platform (1) Plasticville 1618 TV transmitter station (1) MTH 30-90022 Jenny Lee Bakery (1) MTH 30-90092 Bicycle Shop(ocnr) (1) MTH 30-90035 Forbes Tower (1) MTH 30-90020 Katz's Deli (4) MTH 30-1078 O-scale round lamp (1) MTH 30-9033 #494 rotary beacon
A simple point-to-point railway with additional two-spur siding.. Our example is a rustic logging or mining operation. (4) Atlas 6043 O27 45° curve (2) Atlas (6076) righthand O-36 turnout (3) Atlas 6050 10.0 inch straight (4) Atlas 6040 snap-on bumper (2) Atlas 6052 1.75 inch straight (2) Atlas 6044 O27 22.5° curve (3) Atlas 6051 4.50 inch straight (1) Atlas 6053 5.5 inch straight |
(1) Plasticville 1615 water tank (1) Plasticville #1303 log cabin (1) Plasticville 1627 hobo shack (1) Plasticville 1627 hobo shack (1) Plasticville 1625 railroad work car (1) Buildings Unlimited B503 trackside shed (2) LaserKit 483 passenger shelter (1) Berkshire Valley #851 freight house |
A spiralling point-to-point railway. This example is decked out as an industrial railway serving a factory complex. (Amazing what you can pack into a square yard!) (9) Atlas 6043 O27 45° curve (1) Atlas (6076) righthand O-36 turnout (2) Atlas 6050 10.0 inch straight (3) Atlas 6040 snap-on bumper (4) Atlas 6052 1.75 inch straight (2) Atlas 6053 5.5 inch straight |
(1) MTH 30-11039 flood light (1) Korber #909 Warwick Co. (1) Korber #901 Action Machinery (1) Korber #902 Jaybar Corporation (1) Walthers 3311 steel water tank (2) Buildings Unlimited B503 trackside shed (1) Korber #903 Skyline Steel |
Basic loop with siding. This one was given urban scenery, and might serve asa trolley pike. (6) Atlas 6043 O27 45° curve (1) Atlas 6050 10.0 inch straight (1) Atlas 6040 snap-on bumper (3) Atlas 6052 1.75 inch straight (2) Atlas 6066 O36 30° curve (1) Atlas (6075) lefthand O-36 turnout |
(1) MTH 30-90035 Forbes Tower (1) MTH 30-90019 Lombardi's Pizza (1) MTH 30-9012 Corner Drug store (1) MTH 30-9056 Auto Parts store (6) MTH 30-1062 O-scale hexagonal lamp (2) MTH 30-11012 operating crossing gate w/signal (1) Buildings Unlimited B503 trackside shed |
Point-to-point railway with one spur. Our example depicts a rural area, such as might host a mining or logging railway. (5) Atlas 6043 O27 45° curve (1) Atlas (6076) righthand O-36 turnout (3) Atlas 6050 10.0 inch straight (3) Atlas 6040 snap-on bumper (4) Atlas 6052 1.75 inch straight (3) Atlas 6051 4.50 inch straight |
(1) Lionel® 62716 short extension bridge (1) Plasticville #1303 log cabin (1) LaserKit 482 miner's cabin (1) LaserKit 477 Sonny's shack (1) Buildings Unlimited B503 trackside shed |
This two-track railway would make an interesting display. it can host two bumper-activated units at once. Small trolleys or other short motorized units will do the trick. We have used urban scenery in this example, which depicts a small trolley / commuter pike. (5) Atlas 6043 O27 45° curve (1) Atlas (6076) righthand O-36 turnout (5) Atlas 6050 10.0 inch straight (5) Atlas 6040 snap-on bumper (3) Atlas 6052 1.75 inch straight (2) Atlas 6053 5.5 inch straight (4) Atlas 6044 O27 22.5° curve (2) Atlas 6051 4.50 inch straight (2) Atlas 6068 O36 7.5° curve |
(1) Plasticville 1200 station platform (6) MTH 30-1062 O-scale hexagonal lamp (1) MTH 30-11012 operating crossing gate w/signal (1) Dtn Deco DD28 auto parts (1) Dtn Deco DD6 Smoke shop & tattoo (1) Dtn Deco DD11 barber shop (1) Dtn Deco DD4 bus depot (1) Dtn Deco DD23 Fulks P.I. (1) Dtn Deco DD21 Valdez Grocery (5) LaserKit 483 passenger shelter
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