Copyright 2002 T. Sheil & A. Sheil  All Rights Reserved

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TT Scenery

Buildings and Livestock

Here are some other scenery items that are readily available to American TT Scalers.  The cattle, autos and trucks are made by Lester at The Loft (listed under Products at  These cattle are in resting poses, and they include horses, cows and other animals.  The houses are from IHC's "Village in a Bag."  Often sold as HO, they are actually TT sized.  The water mill is an old building which my father in law had used o nan HO layout many years ago.  I doubt it is in current production.  It is included here because it is unique.

Note that Lester also makes some superb logging camp items, including tents, trucks and TT scale tree stumps.  He even produced a scale logging train.  Fans of logging pikes and narrow gauge would do well to check out his products.

Here is livestock on the near side of the tracks.  Note cow hitching a ride on the train to the right.

Here you see a size comparison with the train, track, autos and water mill.

Yes, folks, Village-in-a-Bag is a set of TT scale buildings.  They are a house type found in Germany and Norway.

I don't think the Germans ever painted their homes in those colors!  I know darn well the Norwegians didn't!

A close shot of the cattle and horses made by lester at The Loft

Here you see cars, cattle, houses and train al together.

The water wheel and woodshed are made of wood on this old model.  It had been an operating model.

My father-in-law had used this on an HO layout.

This is a German style of building  Similar types are found in some parts of the American Northeast.

On a personal note, the "Village in a Bag" houses have been around since at least 1962.  We used to buy them from a local hobby shop and use a woodburner to make them looked like battle-damaged houses.  They went well with ROCO Minitanks and Airfix soldiers.  IHC is the current maker.  "Village in a Bag" is something of a joke among scale modelers.  They aren't HO, they aren't N, but they appeared on many an HO pike for as long as most of us can remember.  ( Be honest, folks: how many of you got your start into scenery with "Village in a Bag"?)

In coming weeks, we will be using the Village-in-a-Bag houses for some building projects.  They may look like toys here, but with a little work we will be making various buildings for our in-the-works TT pike.  Step-by-Step photos and instructions will be posted as we complete each project.

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