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American Civil War
Fascination with the Civil War grows every year. There are many enthusiasts who study the history, the battles and the personalities of the War between the States. It should be no surprise that Civil War figures rank high in popularity with toy soldier buffs, military and miniature collectors.
Our Civil War figures are hand-cast soldiers sculpted with realistic details. They are somewhat plain compared to high-priced collectibles, but that is part of their charm. The originals were sculpted over 60 years ago.
The uniforms of Civil War units were similar in cut, but varied in details such as color and other enhancements. So it is that Union and Confederate units' uniforms sometimes differed only in color. npcomments-->npcomments-->npcomments-->npcomments-->npcomments-->npcomments--> Our Civil War Union figures are painted with regulation blue tunics. They are a trio of classic fighting men, each armed with a classic rifle and sporting authentic equipment. You get a firing rifleman, NCO waving the men forward and a solder standing with rifle. Of course, the real fun comes when you take the out of the box
You get three Union Civil War figures for $74.95 Free Postage in the USA Use our Shopping Cart $74.95
Opposing the Union Army are the Confederate forces native to the Southern states. The Confederate Army adopted the "cadet grey" uniform at the start of the Civil War. Each state had added its own militia units to the Army at large. There was great variety within the Confederate Army. Later in the War, the Confederates added another uniform color: butternut It was made of dyes derived from the pecan shells which were abundant in the South. Butternut ranged from a light tan to a medium brown. It was not odd to see a unit with a mix of butternut and gray. In fact, as shortages got worse for the Confederacy, men dressed in whatever clothing they could find. If you want, we can swap a grey soldier for one in non-uniform colors. Just let us know.
You get three Confederate Civil War figures for $74.95 Free Postage in the USA Use our Shopping Cart $74.95 |
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