Copyright 2002 T. Sheil & A. Sheil All Rights Reserved
Large and Small S Trax Systems
The layouts depicted here are other variants which offer opportunities for freight and passenger operations. They use S Trax, a track system that as realistic rails and roadbed. Because S-Trax uses most of the same straight lengths and curve radii as traditional American Flyer track, most layouts here can be reproduced with other S Gauge track systems.
![]() This is a simple 9' by 5' freight shunting operation between yards to the bottom and piers at the left and top. The bottom yard would be your interchange with a mainline railroad. There is room herr for railroad facilities as well as ample freight and pierfront shunting. (32) S-Trax #258 10inch straight (12) S-Trax #259 R-19 30° curve (4) S-Trax #299 #3 lefthand turnout (6) S-Trax #292 R-24 30° curve (4) S-Trax #257 15inch straight (5) S-Trax #298 #3 righthand turnout Total of 63 items |
![]() Here we have adapted the previous layout, so that an individual can have both the freight operations and continuous running. 9' by 5' layouts were popular in the 1950s because those were the dimensions of a ping pong table. (34) S-Trax #258 10inch straight (15) S-Trax #259 R-19 30° curve (5) S-Trax #299 #3 lefthand turnout (6) S-Trax #292 R-24 30° curve (8) S-Trax #257 15inch straight (6) S-Trax #298 #3 righthand turnout Total of 74 items |
![]() this 12' by 8' layout features multiple train operation, continuous running and freight shunting. It is superb for freight, passenger or combines operations. (27) S-Trax #258 10inch straight (7) S-Trax #294 R-29 30° curve (27) S-Trax #259 R-19 30° curve (5) S-Trax #292 R-24 30° curve (4) S-Trax cut 15inch straight (10) S-Trax #299 #3 lefthand turnout (10) S-Trax #257 15inch straight (7) S-Trax #298 #3 righthand turnout Total of 97 items
![]() Changes in trackwork allow longer runs and different sidings. (29) S-Trax #258 10inch straight (6) S-Trax #294 R-29 30° curve (40) S-Trax #259 R-19 30° curve (5) S-Trax cut 15inch straight (10) S-Trax #299 #3 lefthand turnout (16) S-Trax #257 15inch straight (6) S-Trax #298 #3 righthand turnout (1) S-Trax #292 R-24 30° curve Total of 113 items |
![]() By adding a 4' by 4' section to the lower left, you get more ability for continuous operations and extra yards for freight work. ADVANCED WIRING NOTICE: the reverse loop in the lower left requires special insulating and wiring for two-rail track systems. (30) S-Trax #258 10inch straight (6) S-Trax #294 R-29 30° curve (51) S-Trax #259 R-19 30° curve (8) S-Trax cut 15inch straight (11) S-Trax #299 #3 lefthand turnout (20) S-Trax #257 15inch straight (10) S-Trax #298 #3 righthand turnout (1) S-Trax #292 R-24 30° curve Total of 137 items |
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