Copyright 2006 T. Sheil & A. Sheil All Rights Reserved
The 5th New York, also known as Duryea's Zouaves, was one of the more colorful units of the Civil War. As American became settles and the frontier pushed further West, Eastern militias became a social organization whose primary activity was marching in parades. These fore-runners of the National Guard had great autonomy in their uniforms and training methods. As the French set fashion trends, it was inevitable that French military styles would appeal to militias. Those who had the funds could even have their uniforms made in France. The Zouaves, a light infantry dressed in quasi-Moroccan style, inspired some American militia units. they dressed in bright Zouave uniforms. Duryea's was one of a handful of such units during the Civil War. The Zouave style in America faded by war's end.
"Army Life is good. We get paid to eat hardtack, shoot goobers and wear nifty clothes."
"Clem sure had a hard time with the liquor last night."