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Milihistriot Quarterly

The Journal for Military Miniature Enthusiasts

Favorite  Eras  and Historical Themes

Here is a brief list of the popular historic eras and themes collected by military miniature enthusiasts.

Favorite Eras and Events

Era or Theme Major Nations and Events Other name for Era
Ancient (Early) Egypt, Sumeria, Assyria, Persia, Homeric Greeks
Ancient (Late) Macedonia, Greece, Rome. Gaul
Migration Era Huns, Rome, Byzantium, Saxons ,Vikings, early Normans Dark Ages
Early Middle Ages Charlemagne, Crusades, Avars, Norman England
Late Middle Ages 100 Years War, War of the Roses, Ottoman Empire
Renaissance 30 Years war, Swiss Pikemen, English Civil War Pike and Shot
Age of Reason 7 Years War, American Revolution Horse & Musket
Early 19th Century Napoleon's Wars, War of 1812, Alamo Napoleonic, Horse & Musket
Late 19th Century American Civil War, Franco Prussian War, Spanish-American war
Colonial Expansion American Indian Wars, Boer war, Zulu War, Riff Uprising Colonial, Victorian
Early 20th Century World War I World War II era
Middle 20th Century World War II, Korean War, early Arab Israeli Wars Cold War
Late 20th Century Vietnam, October War, Iraq-Iran War, Balkans, Desert Storm Modern
21st Century Afghanistan, War in Iraq Modern

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