Copyright 2002 T. Sheil & A. Sheil All Rights Reserved
The following layouts are 4' by 8' platforms, using classic O27 track. They offer more action in a smaller space without looking cramped. The only drawback is that very long, 1/48 scale sized train might not be able to handle the tight curves. O27 is for a relatively smaller train. Aficionados of O27 will find these layouts an excellent choice for optimal scenery and train action.
(23) O27 single straight (12) O27 O-27 curve 45° (2) O27 O-27 lefthand turnout (5) O27 O-27 righthand turnout (1) O27 O-27 half curve 22.5° (5) O27 half straight (3) O27 track bumper (6) O27 O-42 curve 30° (1) O27 cut straight (1) O27 operating uncoupling track
(1) 12828 stockyard (1) 9220 milk car platfrom (4) 12760 automatic hiway flasher (2) 6-2162 crossing gate w/signal (8) 12926 street lamp (4) 14119 gooseneck lamp (1) 49809 #772 water tower (1) 14155 #395 floodlight (2) Plasticville #1626 corner store (1) Plasticville #1602 post office (1) Plasticville #1611 hardware store (2) Plasticville #1612 5 & 10 store (1) Plasticville 1613 large super market (1) Plasticville #1853 drug store (1) Plasticville #1500 diner (1) Plasticville 1905 Town hall / Independence hall (1) Plasticville 1620 loading platform (1) Plasticville #1603 Ranch house (1) Plasticville 1402 switch tower (4) Plasticville 1907 apartment house (1) Plasticville 1701 New England ranch home |
(23) O27 single straight (21) O27 O-27 curve 45° (5) O27 O-27 lefthand turnout (6) O27 O-27 righthand turnout (7) O27 half straight (2) O27 cut straight (1) O27 O-27 half curve 22.5° (1) O27 track bumper
(1) Plasticville #1602 post office (1) Plasticville #1611 hardware store (1) Plasticville #1612 5 & 10 store (1) Plasticville SM-6 small super market (1) Plasticville 1613 large super market (1) Plasticville #1853 drug store (1) Plasticville #1500 diner (1) Plasticville 1905 Town hall / Independence hall (1) Plasticville 1608 school house (1) Plasticville #1607 fire station (1) Plasticville #1614 police station (1) Plasticville 1618 TV transmitter station (1) Plasticville #1801 bank (1) Plasticville 1901 Union Station w/o platforms (1) Plasticville 1616 suburban station (2) Plasticville 1200 station platform (1) Plasticville 1701 New England ranch home (1) Plasticville 1629 bungalow house (2) Plasticville #1502 Cape Cod house (16) MTH 30-1079 O-scale square lamp (2) MTH 30-11012 operating crossing gate w/signal (3) MTH 30-11014 hiway crossing signal w/sound |
(26) O27 single straight (19) O27 O-27 curve 45° (5) O27 O-27 lefthand turnout (7) O27 O-27 righthand turnout (11) O27 half straight (2) O27 cut straight (4) O27 track bumper (2) Marx O27 single (4) O27 operating uncoupling track
(1) 9220 milk car platfrom (1) 9224 horse car platform (1) Lionel/MPC 2301 operating sawmill (2) 2115 dwarf block signal (2) 12727 semaphore signal (2) 12895 double signal bridge (1) Plasticville #1622 dairy barn w/silo (1) Plasticville #1408 windmill (1) Plasticville #1617 corn crib (1) Plasticville #1617 dog house (1) Plasticville 1701 New England ranch home (1) Plasticville #1617 chicken coop (4) Plasticville 1620 loading platform (2) Plasticville #1502 Cape Cod house (1) Plasticville 1629 bungalow house (1) Plasticville 1700 two-story colonial house (4) Plasticville 1200 station platform (1) MTH 30-9119 AF #787 log loader (1) MTH 30-11051 AF#23772 water tower (1) MTH 30-9126 AF#23780 lamplighter |
(6) O27 single straight (16) O27 O-42 curve 30° (15) O27 O-27 curve 45° (2) O27 O-27 righthand turnout (2) O27 O-27 lefthand turnout (6) O27 half straight (2) O27 O-42 lefthand turnout (2) O27 O-42 righthand turnout (2) O27 O-42 half curve 15°
( |
1) Plasticville #1612 5 & 10 store (1) Plasticville #1611 hardware store (1) Plasticville SM-6 small super market (1) Plasticville #1853 drug store (1) Plasticville #1801 bank (1) Plasticville #1602 post office (1) Plasticville #1500 diner (2) Plasticville #1626 corner store (4) Plasticville 1200 station platform (1) Plasticville 1618 TV transmitter station (2) Plasticville 1907 apartment house (1) Plasticville 1701 New England ranch home (1) MTH 30-9012 Corner Drug store (1) MTH 30-9085 Train store (1) MTH 30-9056 Auto Parts store (1) MTH 30-9035 Jewelry store (23) MTH 30-1062 O-scale hexagonal lamp (1) MTH 30-11034 triple park light (3) MTH 30-11014 hiway crossing signal w/sound |
(19) O27 single straight (15) O27 O-27 curve 45° (2) O27 90° cross (10) O27 half straight (7) O27 O-27 righthand turnout (5) O27 O-27 lefthand turnout (2) O27 cut straight (1) O27 O-27 half curve 22.5° (6) O27 track bumper (1) Marx O27 single (3) O27 operating uncoupling track
(1) 12798 forklift loader 95.00 95.00 (1) 2321 saw mill (1) 32989 #464 lumber mill (1) 9220 milk car platfrom (1) 12917 operating switch tower (1) 2199 microwave tower (1) 14154 #193 water tower (3) 6-2162 crossing gate w/signal (4) 2154 automatic hiway flasher (3) Plasticville 1200 station platform (1) Plasticville 1625 railroad work car (1) MTH 10-1160 #165 magnet crane (1) MTH 30-9119 AF #787 log loader (1) MTH 30-11051 AF#23772 water tower (1) MTH 30-9043 AF coaler (1) MTH 30-9111 operating freight platform (1) MTH 30-9025 #395 floodlight (yellow)
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