Copyright 2004 T. Sheil & A. Sheil All Rights Reserved
These 3' by 5' layout track plans are intended for O Gauge track, such as that made by Lionel and K-Line. While every effort is made for applying the best trackwork, concessions must be made for the small spaces. We have included examples of scenery to illustrate how these track plans may be enhanced. Of course, you can make any changes or substitutions that you want. Our scenery is just an example. Likewise, if you have the ability, you can alter track plans to suit your own needs.
You can use any train that can traverse the 31 inch curve of O gauge. However, for small railways, smaller is better. Choose either a smaller type train such as O27, or a smaller car and locomotive type. Of the latter, engines like the Ready Made "Beep:. MTH Docksider and K-Line Porter roll into prominence on a diminutive railway. Small cars such as ore cars and the bobber caboose are also at home here, as are short trolleys and similar motorized units.
This plan is for a shunting layout, be it freight or commuter shuttles / trolleys. We have used scenery that implies freight shunting and dockside operations, with a fuel facility in the center of the loop. (9) Lionel® O single straight (2) Lionel® O O-31 curve 45° (1) Lionel® O 90° cross (6) Lionel® #260 track bumper (3) Lionel® O O-31modern lefthand turnout (3) Lionel® O O-31 modern righthand turnout (2) Lionel® O custom cut straight (1) Lionel® O half straight |
(2) Lionel® 12953 tall Linex oil tank (1) Lionel® 12954 wide Linex oil tank (2) Plasticville 1620 loading platform (1) Plasticville 1906 factory (1) Plasticville 1402 switch tower (1) Plasticville 1615 water tank (1) Walthers 3304 Phoenix Oil tanks (1) Walthers 3304 Phoenix Oil shed (1) Walthers 3304 Phoenix Oil bldg (1) Berkshire Valley #851 freight house |
A basic extended loop with one siding. This little railway is good for operating accessories. (3) Lionel® O single straight (9) Lionel® O O-31 curve 45° (1) Lionel® #260 track bumper (2) Lionel® O O-31 modern righthand turnout (1) Lionel® O O-31modern lefthand turnout (4) Lionel® O half straight (1) Lionel® O uncoupling track (2) Lionel® O custom cut straight |
(1) Lionel® 9220 milk car platform (1) Lionel® 14000 #264 forklift platform (1) Lionel® 12798 forklift loader (1) Lionel® 12731 station platform (1) Lionel® 14091 #45 gateman (1) Lionel® 12966 rotary beacon (3) Lionel® 12708 street lamp (1) Plasticville 1907 apartment house (1) Plasticville 1618 TV transmitter station (1) Plasticville 1902 hospital |
This is like the previous layout, but it has a tighter loop and an additional long spur. Use your imagination, as there are many possibilities for freight or commuter railways here. (12) Lionel® O O-31 curve 45° (2) Lionel® #260 track bumper (1) Lionel® O O-31 modern righthand turnout (5) Lionel® O single straight (3) Lionel® O O-31modern lefthand turnout (4) Lionel® O half straight (2) Lionel® O custom cut straight |
(2) Lionel® 12708 street lamp (1) Lionel® 12886 flood light tower (1) Lionel® 12749 rotary radar antenna (1) Plasticville 1620 loading platform (1) Plasticville 1200 station platform (1) Plasticville 1907 apartment house (1) Plasticville 1618 TV transmitter station (1) Plasticville 1905 Town hall / Independence hall |
A loop within an oval, with two sidings. This is a nice pike for any number of small freight or commuter operations. Our example uses urban scenery and a small tank facility. (13) Lionel® O O-31 curve 45° (3) Lionel® O O-31 modern righthand turnout (2) Lionel® O single straight (4) Lionel® O half straight (1) Lionel® O O-31modern lefthand turnout (1) Lionel® #260 track bumper (3) Lionel® O O-31 half curve 22.5° (1) Lionel® track bumper |
(1) Lionel® 12966 rotary beacon (1) Bdlgs Unlimited 872 Bill's Place (1) Bldgs Unlimited 873 Burke Bldg (1) Bldgs Unlimited 874 Granatos Grocery (1) Bldgs Unlimited 875 Lou's Cafe (1) Bldgs Unlimited 876 1st National Bank (1) Bldgs Unlimited 877 Ameritown S&L (1) Walthers 3304 Phoenix Oil tanks (1) Walthers 3304 Phoenix Oil shed (1) Berkshire Valley #851 freight house (1) Buildings Unlimited B503 trackside shed |
Here is an extended loop with a short siding and a long spur line. Our scenery is a town center. Operating crossing gates add to its visual appeal. (14) Lionel® O O-31 curve 45° (2) Lionel® O O-31 modern righthand turnout (3) Lionel® O single straight (2) Lionel® O O-31modern lefthand turnout (1) Lionel® #260 track bumper (3) Lionel® O O-31 half curve 22.5° (5) Lionel® O half straight (1) Lionel® track bumper |
(2) Lionel® 2152 crossing gate (3) Lionel® 12708 street lamp (1) Plasticville 1620 loading platform (1) Plasticville #1801 bank (1) Plasticville #1611 hardware store (1) Plasticville #1626 corner store (1) Plasticville #1500 diner (1) Plasticville #1612 5 & 10 store (1) Plasticville 1401 Frosty Bar (1) Plasticville SM-6 small super market (1) Plasticville 1615 water tank (1) Plasticville 1625 railroad work car |
An extended loop with a long arc siding. Our example uses a farm scene within a rural environment. (11) Lionel® O O-31 curve 45° (1) Lionel® O O-31 modern righthand turnout (2) Lionel® O O-31modern lefthand turnout (2) Lionel® O single straight (5) Lionel® O half straight |
(1) Lionel® #260 track bumper (1) Lionel® 12966 rotary beacon (1) Lionel® 2152 crossing gate (1) Plasticville #1303 log cabin (1) Plasticville #1622 dairy barn w/silo (1) Plasticville #1617 storage shed (1) Plasticville #1617 corn crib (1) Plasticville #1617 chicken coop (1) Plasticville #1617 dog house (1) Plasticville #1408 windmill (1) Plasticville #1806 roadside produce stand (2) Plasticville #1804 green house (1) Plasticville $1703 Colonial mansion (1) Plasticville 1627 hobo shack |
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