Copyright 2002 T. Sheil & A. Sheil All Rights Reserved
Test Runs of Maisto International's "On Track" trains
Trying to test run the Maisto International On track 1/131 diecast trains was made difficult by feline interference. Nonetheless, several trains were run. The battery-operated locomotives run a bit fast, looking like a miniature version of Postwar O27. The plastic passenger cars hardly slow them down. However, diecast freights make a difference. The most any locomotive could pull was five diecast cars. Even though the back truck has rubber "tires", it could not get enough power to haul more than five.
The other issue was track. The track must be connected perfectly. If rail heights are off as little as one millimeter, the train can derail.
Our test run showed that the Maisto On Track trains are a good toy and loads of fun. They would be very useful for small display layouts, provided you can make scenery to match. In a pinch, either N or TT scale scenery could be used. I believe these little trains have potential. Currently, they are seen by the public as toys or collectibles.
The photos below were taken during tests. Since test photos would not show much, we placed some pictures of those instances when the cats decided to get into the work. Be advised that the Maisto trains stood up to the cats' rough handling.
Track System: The current track offerings are only one curve and one straight. By adding half straights and half curves, more interesting layouts would be possible. Even better would be the addition of crossovers. A 90 degree crossover would be welcome, and an additional 45 degree would make it even better. Last but not least, switches (turnouts) could add immeasurably to the fun of the 1/131 trains.
Trains: The trains themselves would benefit by making more car types available. Also, Maisto might want to keep some scale consistency. The diesel freight set had the unusual; match of a Burlington diesel with a Wabash caboose. The steam set had no caboose. Matching cabeese are considered essential to realism, even in a toy train operation.
![]() We could run no more than five diecast cars behind the battery-operated F3. Here kitten Shadow gets interested. |
![]() Leif jumped up during the run of passenger cars. The passenger cars ran best. The kiddie colors of the Santa Fe F3 were too much temptation for him. |
![]() Snooping cat, just before we added cars to the train. |
![]() Leif had other ideas. |
![]() Shadow the Kitten learrns by watching Leif.
![]() Shadow watches the freight train pass. |
![]() Just prior to the leap that derailed the freight train.... |
![]() Willow decides to check out the locomotive. |
![]() She needed a better vantage point. |
![]() Train fans? |
Willow checks out the locomotive she derailed.
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