Copyright 2002 T. Sheil & A. Sheil  All Rights Reserved

All Gauge Model Railroading Page

Pine Creek Railroad

The Molly Maguire Train

Pine Creek has the locomotive and coaches used in the movie "The Molly Maguires."  These are 48-inch (4 foot) Narrow gauge.  The cars are being restored, for easy access by the disabled.  It is an ongoing project.

The little 0-4-0 has rows of rivets on the boiler.  Compare its size to the diminutive critters.

Here's the Molly train behind the critters.

Molly train from another angle

The car in front is a combine: half passenger coach, half baggage car.  The rear car is a coach.

Full front view of the locomotive.

Here is the tender.

View of the cab area

Closer look at the ends of the passenger cars

Here you see details of the car end.

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